Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Thursday 07 June 2007

Apartment Quite Acceptable Buenos Aires


Apartment Quite Acceptable, Buenos Aires.


09.11 In The Mark (p.208)… philosophy: for the Greeks, a continued state of attention.

09.40       I am having an English moment.

10.05 On the DGM Guestbook…

Harnessing the Beast:: Posted by Thooper on June 07, 2007

Regarding the proposed funding of a new building for the GC House & Institute.  Robert lists five possible sources of income (see Diary June 4th entry).  Suggestions 2 and 3 (Undertaking specific & dedicated pieces of work and Selling stuff) coalesced in my mind as one item – the Beast.  The Beast being in this case the perceived twin horrors of history and expectation, specifically KC history and audience expectation.  Can this Beast be harnessed for a good cause?  If the audient masses are hungry for former glories, might there be a case to slake their thirst in cause of the GC House fund?

I imagine that poking the ancient King with a stick awakens more than the King himself; he will bring his attendant fans who have not moved on from 1969, 1973 and 1981.  I can also see that using the blunt instrument of past glories is completely at odds with Robert’s intentions for music; there is no progression via retrospection, however, there are also times to be pragmatic.  Would a one off show, say at the Royal Albert Hall, featuring the 21st Century Schizoid Band with selected and appropriate guests (Mr. Bruford, Mr. Belew, Mr. Wetton, Mr. Cross and Mr. Fripp?) not raise considerable sums? 

I cannot begin to imagine the logistical nightmare of preparing such a show, indeed, it might even be logistically impossible.  But, but, but – why not harness the power of the clamouring Beast and feed for one evening in return for a hefty fee (The RAH holds 5200 people; charge ‘em £100 and see what can be done with the half million that ensues once overheads etc, are removed).

But perhaps the thought of trying to shackle the Beast in the aftermath of such a show might prove to be too overwhelming, Robert has spent the past 30 odd years trying to avoid the grasping hands of expectation – it might well finish the poor man off once and for all.

All just thoughts.

Thoughts are tangible, and have effect.

This nightmare scenario, of destructive power, is well-intentioned & well-meaning. It is a textbook example of a Bright Idea. The effect of a Bright Idea is to undermine the Aim that, nominally, the Bright Idea claims to serve. The original Aim is led-off course, the momentum of its process diverted and/or checked.

A Bright Idea conventionally has these characteristics:

1.             The suggestion is made is by someone who:
i)              Has not personally committed themselves to serving the Aim.

ii)             Presents those, who are committed to serving the Aim, with a different aim, one which purports to be the same.

iii)            Has little or no experience, knowledge or understanding of the contexts within which the Aim and the suggested new aim take place.

iv)           Has little or no idea of the repercussions that the suggested new aim will generate.

v)            Accepts no personal responsibility for the repercussions from any of this.

2.             The suggestor, without commitment, knowledge, experience, and who is not actually doing anything themselves, hands those who do have commitment, knowledge, experience & are already working, with even more work. The additional work is not only irrelevant to the Aim, but undermines it.

3.             The suggested new aim is very different in nature to the Aim, has little or no connection to the originating insight that gave rise to the Aim, and carries its own agenda. This new agenda is different in nature, and often contradicts, the originating impulse that gave rise to the Aim.

The Aim: to form a Guitar Craft Institute of Research & Practice; and acquire a House for the purposes of developing a new generation of GC repertoire, exercises & assistant instructors; refine our practice; codify & formalise the results of our ongoing work over the preceding 22 years.

That is, the Aim is based in the present, looking to the future, with a foundation of 22 years applied work on four continents.

Bright Idea:

1.             Reform an historic musical venture from half a lifetime ago, one that honourably served its Aim at the time, despite considerable difficulties in conditions of time, place & persons (eg industry, audiences, personal limitations of musical & industry players) and then ceased to exist when its time was done and, most importantly, before it had gone off-course.

2.             Contradict the Aim of the original venture by fixing its raison d’etre in history.

3.             Activate & strengthen expectations of audient/fans, reinforcing current music-industry notions of the commercial power of retro enterprises.

4.             Once reformed, the venture will develop its own imperatives. Why not keep going? Why not take this around the world? Why not plug into a world of musical commerce that is destructive & quite mad, and contribute to its growing strength?

5.             The material aspect of the Aim is to raise money for a venture which addresses a real need; which will be put on hold while a subsidiary, distracting & deviating aim takes most of the available time, energy & commitment to address concerns of nostalgia. So, will the Bright Idea make money? Long experience suggests, not enough to make any difference. Why? RF receives one equal share of the net, as per the other players. The assumption is, that all of this small proportion is then given to support the Aim.

Mr. Thooper asks me to drive an undertaking in which I have no interest, makes me depressed even to think about, would take 6-12 months out of my life to activate & perhaps 2 more years to recover from its effects, to nothing more than I presently earn.

Addressing specific points of Mr. Thooper’s well-intentioned & dangerously dopey posting…

If the audient masses are hungry for former glories, might there be a case to slake their thirst in cause of the GC House fund?

If they, or Mr. Thooper, are interested in supporting the Aim, they may send donations for GCIR&P to DGM HQ, PO Box 1533, SALISBURY, Wiltshire, SP5 5ER.

…using the blunt instrument of past glories is completely at odds with Robert’s intentions for music…

So, to serve the Aim one adopts an aim with diametrically opposed values & intent?

Would a one off show, say at the Royal Albert Hall, featuring the 21st Century Schizoid Band with selected and appropriate guests (Mr. Bruford, Mr. Belew, Mr. Wetton, Mr. Cross and Mr. Fripp?) not raise considerable sums? 

The quick answer is: no. The longer answer is, nor on any known planet.

I cannot begin to imagine the logistical nightmare of preparing such a show,

This statement I accept as authoritative.

But, but, but – why not harness the power of the clamouring Beast and feed for one evening in return for a hefty fee (The RAH holds 5200 people; charge ‘em £100 and see what can be done with the half million that ensues once overheads etc, are removed).

And suppose few people are prepared to hand over an exorbitant & excessive sum of money for a ticket? This is not, for anyone other than myself, a charity event. And who does the press & promotion to fill the space? Who arranges the pre-production financing, tour & production management? Overheads are…?

En passant, the RAH is a wonderful venue & performance space but, for rock music, the sound sucks & is subject to a decibel meter.

But perhaps the thought of trying to shackle the Beast in the aftermath of such a show might prove to be too overwhelming…

How could anyone suggest this idea if they have (generously given their time to) reading even a small amount of anything I have written or commented on during the past 33 years?

Robert has spent the past 30 odd years trying to avoid the grasping hands of expectation – it might well finish the poor man off once and for all.

Well, thanks for trying.

10.36       There are 14 now committed to tithing.

11.17       An experienced member of the GC community has sent me an e-mail that, inter alia, includes a suggestion of a professional undertaking they believe would raise money for the GC House. From my reply…

The quick answer is: if you see the need, you are called upon to address it. So, if the person who sees the need (a kind of point of seeing, or creative insight) is unable for whatever reason to address it, it will either not happen, or happen in a skewed way. The insight provides the power that makes possible its realisation.

The building in Buenos Aires: this would be superb, if Hernan lived here. But he lives in Kiel, Germany. It would happen if he moved here, and his Wife is prepared to do so. But taking into account the larger picture, Germany is currently the place for the Nunez family. So, the house here wouldn’t happen unless Hernan were hands-on. He has let it go.

TTA: (The future in Seattle) is following Curt’s seeing (and that of the Team in Seattle).

Q:            Is England ready for GC?

A:            No. And may never be. But there is now an autonomous UK Guitar Circle, which shows initiative.

Q:            Is GC ready for England?

A:            Almost, again. If the Red Lion House is a useful model, it had no English students staying there.

Q:            Does RF see something beyond the convenience of having a house in his back yard?

A:            Yes. The inconvenience of having a GC House & students in his back yard.

Please don’t feel that I want a GC House where I live! I would prefer a quiet life. I have a wide range of personal interests & friends who receive little enough of my time, energy & attention already. Retirement holds no fears for me, and retirement is still some way off, given the current & ongoing level of professional demands & present obligations.

My travelling years are mostly at an end. Certainly, extended time abroad is over. So, for any more experienced students who need my focus, or those prepared to make an extended commitment to work with me, they will come to where I live, or not. One way of moving towards this is to establish a formal structure within which we can work together. This is not the only approach, but the one I am currently addressing.

The (suggested RF Trio) would sell out places like BB King’s (I note in addition that, for the reasons noted above, it have no financial effect on acquiring the proposed House). It would also provide such a distraction that the GC House could not happen. I have not "seen" the RF3, so the power to make it work would come from the little reservoir available to me, rather than the energy from the idea. The tour would make me ill & depressed (because touring makes me ill & depressed) and this mainly because of what audiences do to me. My personal life (which is small but growing) would return to its conventional position as negligible. My professional responsibilities, and those to GC, would fall off the desk, and my affairs overall return to the mess which is also conventional.

But thanks for the suggestion!

FYI: yesterday, a day of some reflection on this, I saw how the House can happen, what it would take. That’s the good news. The bad news is, I also saw what was required of me to make this happen.

11.22       There are now 15 committed to tithing.

11.44       There are now 16 committed to tithing.

12.28       There are now 18 committed to tithing.

Another well-intentioned e-mail from a person who had a brief relationship with GC almost 20 years ago. He is interested in participating with CG in capacities that may include, but are not necessarily or necessarily not limited to:

1. Raising Investment Capital… Of course, any third party will be looking either for a) a profitable return on investment (debt financing) or b) an equity position.  If neither of these fits the intentions of GC, there remains the option of driving a campaign for donations and not-for-profit investments.

2. Participation in Guitar Craft… I would love to write with+for GC & LCG, perform with LGC, etc. … allow it to suffice that it might be fun to participate in a course!

14.43       A tasty lunch here with the Team. Dessert I…










There are now 19 committed to tithing.

15.39       The inbox is down from 156 to 150 after 4 hours of frenzy.

There are now 20 committed to tithing.

16.36       Practising. Joy!


00.14       Lobby call at 18.30 & to the venue I…


















The Venue I…




Soundcheck I…












Salty George Security Services...


Dressing Room of the English Star I…


The Theatre has kindly provided flowers, to improve the atmosphere of the room. The intention has been achieved.

A strange audience this evening, very different in character to last night. Two flashes brought the show to an end after the first encore – VROOOM. It astonishes me that people act as if they believe their behaviour has no effect. In this case, this behaviour had the effect of bringing the show to an end.

Supper I…






Kabusacki endorses the use of salt…


Kabusacki endorses flan with whipped cream & dulce de leche…


Mentioned during our post-performance supper: a day of correspondence that brought me close to despair over the proposed House.

This is a House (as might be conventionally expressed) for advanced studies. In conventional GC terms, Level Four & above. This is not a House for beginners. It is a House for those who know how to behave, and are able to do so. For example, a trio or quartet might focus on a project for an extended period of time. The House might accommodate 6 people comfortably, and perhaps 12 for shorter periods. The GCIR&P, under all current scenarios, could not buy a property, but it might underwrite the House’s running.

GC must be businesslike, but it is not a business: there is no profit, there is no equity.

And why would anyone think that a GC House close to my home is something I want? This, I find surprising.

Also today, the neighbour adjacent to the Ideal House e-mailed expressing concern that smoke might drift over the garden wall from nicotine inhalation or a barbecue.

Perhaps an easier life is beckoning to me.

Returning to the apartment I…
























